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  • Writer's pictureShundra Anderson

Helpful Handbags of Hope

Updated: Feb 4, 2019

Like most women, we have many retired handbags that we just cant seem to let go in our closets. Carry sachets from the grocery store, or backpacks that we don't use anymore. It was placed on my heart, after seeing all the homelessness in Houston. It's a massive problem, and no one person or organization can fix this. But collectively, if we just do our part, just a small donation of something you don't want anyway, collecting dust and creating clutter, you can give a Lady a Handbag, filled with the essentials that every lady needs and wants. Those small bottles of shampoo from the hotel, half used bottles of perfume from that Bath and Body Works sale, bottled water, women's toiletries, baby wipes and deodorant, are for some a luxury. We can'f offer a solution, but we can offer HOPE.

Please support Helpful Handbags of Hope, by donating a gently used bag with a few Lady Friendly items, and for every Handbag of Lady Friendly Items, I will take 5.00 off your bill up to 25.00, for orders under a subtotal of 150.00 This organization is in its infancy, but sure to take off with no problems, as we women of all backgrounds, come together to help our Sisters in need.

This bag will be donated to any random homeless lady, to Homeless Shelters for women and their children, young teenage girls who are in need, and underprivileged families who need assistance. Your handbag will be greatly appreciated by someone who really needs it.

Thank you,

Shundra Anderson, Founder of Helpful Handbags of Hope

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